Taking Charge: The “Now” Meditation
Karm plays a central role in the daily and universal existence of a person in Hindu world-view. What befalls one is because of his/her past Karm and its appearance follows immutable laws of universe called Dharm. The ‘good’ or ‘bad’ events in one’s life are assumed to be an individual’s misconception at the time, because a ‘bad’ event now can be seen to cause ‘good’ events later in life. What is needed is the courage to accept the current events with equanimity and foresight, not let the ghosts of the past drag you down nor let the anxiety of imagined future frighten you, and live in the present. Here is a simple meditation method that I have found very useful to become established in the present, relax, empowered and move on. All you have to do is read, follow and think along the following.
Focus on breath. Slowly breath out to maximum. Hold briefly. Slowly breath in, then breathe normally.
I am at unease. Why? Something is bothering me. What is it? Is it that someone has done me wrong? Did I say something wrong to someone? Did I do something wrong to someone? Or am I afraid that something bad is going to happen? Perhaps I did something wrong in the past and now it is catching up with me? Maybe I did not do something that I should have done? Or is it that I am afraid that I am going to be financial trouble? Am I afraid that I may lose my job? Am I feeling guilty? Am I afraid that the future is uncertain? Is it a feeling of inadequacy? Whatever is making me uncomfortable, I must face it. I must figure out how to regain my calm?
Focus on breath. Slowly breath out to maximum. Hold briefly. Slowly breath in, then breathe normally.
Sure, I am at this juncture as a result of my past actions. Whether I consciously know or not, the Universe operates under certain immutable laws. So, I must own the results I see today. No matter what I do, it cannot be changed. I cannot go back and change the past. I made those decisions in the past based on what I knew at the time. It may not have been the best decision, but that was the best I could do at the time. Any regretting now is not going to change those decisions or what has happened since. Allowing the past to continue to bother me will only make me feel worse for no good reason and waste time. And, who knows, some event in future could show that those were the right decisions, and that the right thing have happened. So why worry about it now and lose time and peace of mind?
Focus on breath. Slowly breath out to maximum. Hold briefly. Slowly breath in, then breathe normally.
Am I fearful that something undesirable is going to happen in the future? But future is yet to come, I can not predict it. No one can predict it with any guarantee. For all I know, through some twists and turns of events, it could very well turn out to be something in my favor in a way that I cannot even imagine now. There are many factors that control what happens in future and many of those factors are not in my direct control. Everything happens according to God’s plan and God does not wish any ill upon me. I have full faith in Him. He is my strength. So why imagine something imaginary, become fearful, and bring upon anxiety on myself and lose time and peace of mind now?
Focus on breath. Slowly breath out to maximum. Hold briefly. Slowly breath in, then breathe normally.
So, all I have is this moment. Now. This moment. Detached from the past and detached from the future. With a calm and cool head, I should think of the way forward. Only through a calm and settled mind, can I think clearly and make the best decisions. I should look through all the factors objectively. This is my chance to put my course in the right direction. I will look at all information that is available to me at present and prepare my course. I can decide based only on what I know at present. Things I do not know , I do not know. Things I cannot control, I cannot control. I would see what options are under my control and what options are not. I would act on those which I can control and let the rest be according to God’s will. I will act in accordance with the firm laws of the Universe, as much as I know of them. The more I delay, the more time I lose. And even after that lost time, I would still have to do something about it. So, it really does not help brooding over the past or worrying about the future or delay taking an action. I must calm my mind, compose myself, make up my mind, and do the best I can. So, put my full faith in God, relax, smile and move. (If you are reading this in night, either jot down the actions you would take the next day, or tell yourself, that a night happens to allow us to rest our body and mind. Affirm that you have come to a resolution, you shall sleep restfully without any more anxiety, freshen up and rejuvenate your mind and body. The worry, the anxiety and the action can wait till you wake up tomorrow.) fff
Everybody should know the Laws of Karma and abide by it.
Stress arises when events go against our expectations as Karma pulls us in different direction. There is no stress when we live as per our Karmic plan.