There is Amrut Inside You
The influence of mind on the body has not been fully realized in the modern medicine and science. Only slowly the modern science is coming to the realization that many medicines – chemicals – that are beneficial to the human body, can be generated by the body itself. This is one reason why meditation has positive effects on the body by generating stress reducing hormones. Here is a simple meditation method that I have found very useful to become relaxed and empowered in a very short time. All you have to do is read and imagine through the following.
Find a place where you can sit or lie quietly without any disturbance. Relax whole body. The backbone should be straight. Close your eyes lightly. Focus on breath. Exhale slowly completely, gently hold it out for a second or so, inhales deeply slowly. Hold gently and breathe out slowly. Resume normal breathing.
Now still with your eyes closed, relax your body, and imagine.
I see my inside. My brain, head, neck, shoulder, arms, fingers, heart, lungs, stomach, intestine, kidneys, hips, genitals, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, feet, toes all the way to the skin. All this is inside me, my outer body just a cover. The real me is inside as a very thin line running from the front of my head, middle of eyebrows, curving up along the inside of my head to the backside, down along the backbone to the end of the tail bone.
Follow this long thin line back up from the bottom of the backbone, running up the backbone, up the neck, running inside the back of my head, curving at the top of my head, at the soft spot on my head. This is where the Sahastraara chakra is located. I am completely relaxed, and my attention and both my eyes are focused on that point. There is an upside-down soft pure white lotus with a thousand petals in multiple layers. It is as big as the size of the soft spot. I am watching it and enjoying the view. It is the most beautiful lotus. The petals are glistening wet. With my eyes I can gently massage it. The liquid is slowly dripping inside my body through my nerve system. I can see it seeping through my head, face, neck, shoulder, arms, hands, palms, fingers, chest, diaphragm, belly, backside, waist, hips, genitals, thighs, knees, calves, shins, ankles, feet and toes. It is reaching all the way to my extremities. My body feels so full, saturated, light and relaxed. My breath is light and relaxed. It feels so beautiful to see the lotus and the nectar flowing from it. The more I look at it, the more it secretes the nectar, and the more I want to look at it. It is so fascinating.
I do not want to think of anything else, just continue to watch it from inside and be flooded with the Amrut seeping all through me.
Many people have experienced it. However it is time taking.