Prescription to become a Hindu – One Capsule a Day
Hindu-ism is a complex world-view because it incorporate a wide variety of subjects. It is, therefore, quite common to be stumbled when someone with little or no familiarity with Hindu-ism casually asks you what is Hindu-ism? Below I have tried to encapsulate a few key concepts in Hindu-ism that one can use as a starting…
Common Concepts in Hindu-ism
HINDUThe label Hindu was given by the Persians who pronounced “S” as “H” in Sindhu (river). We also know that the people living around Sindhu (five rivers, and later, around Ganga, Yamuna) called themselves as followers of “Sanaatana Dharma” or “Vedic Dharma”. SANAATANAThe word Sanaatan simply means eternal, timeless, continuous. DHARM: See detailed explanation on…